1-Plus Long Distance Calls

Long Distance Ante Scam and International
Call Mailing Lists

Long distance call satellite.1-Plus Long Distance owns and operates two mailing lists. The first and most important is our Ante Scam Report Mailing List. The object of the mailing list is to advise our customers of phone scams as we become aware of them. It is not a regular list as we only mail when we are aware of a new scam that we think our customers should watch out for. Please also understand that while we endeavor to keep our customers forewarned we simply are not aware of all the possible scams. We believe in trying to provide our customers with the best information we have at our disposal. In this electronic age, forewarned is indeed forearmed. You can unsubscribe from the Ante Scam Mailing List at any time either from the mailing list or from our website.

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The second list is a regular long distance news letter to keep our regulars up-to-date with what is happening on the long distance scene. Technology changes faster than the speed of light. Your subscription will help to keep your telecommunication knowledge base fresh and up to date.

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