1-Plus Long Distance Calls

1-Plus Long Distance Calls
A Consumer oriented long distance service!

Long Distance Satellite

Welcome to the 1 Plus telecommunications search engines! Our objective is to indicate which phone services are the most cost effective for your particular requirements. We now have four seperate best rate facilities. Please choose a link below by clicking on the search engine of your choice.

Please click the link of your choice and we will show you the power of comparative shopping on the internet and save you some money at the same time!

Competitive rates from a wide selection of service providers are included in the search facility so that an impartial choice can be made. Long distance telephone companies offer different facilities. We have deliberately selected a wide band of services. The intention is to provide a powerful tool so that each customer's individual telecommunication needs are catered for.

By way of explanation, we have a comprehensive list of rates for each of our carriers. When you click the "Find the best service for my personal needs" button on one of our search engines, it sends your request to our servers in Seattle. You will get back a customized list of carriers for your personal request ranked from cheapest to most expensive. Please click on the individual carrier or the carrier's logo in this list to visit that carrier's website for more details or to order service.

Cogni State Online Value

Cogni World Long Distance

From 3.45c/minute - Low Instate Rates.

No per call or hidden surcharges..

6 Sec Billing - 6 Sec Minimum

Superb International and Long Distance Rates

Extreme Value.

Commercial and Domestic.



Opex Extreme Value Long Distance

Unitel Long Distance

From 2.95c/minute - Low Instate Rates.

Outstanding service at 2.7¢/minute

6 seconds /18sec. minimum

Direct billed via U.S. mail.

Commercial and Residential.
8% Prepay Saving.

Commercial and Residential.
Best Buy!

FIND OUT MORE       En Español


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Simplicity 3.9c Value
"Simplicity 3.9c flat rate 24/7! No extra charge for toll free!"
No monthly fee - No monthly minimums!
6 sec billing increments!
5 STAR value!

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opex long distance
OPEX Long Distance Offers unprecedented value to US based customers!!
No Per Call Surcharges. Ideal for commercial and residential use.
6 second billing means you pay for what you use!
8% PrePay Savings Option.

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Please note rates are subject to change by the individual carriers from time to time.
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